Galactic Feminine: Universal Wisdom from the Tz’akbu Ajaw Archetype, formerly “Red Queen”

It has been 23 years today since the opening of the tomb of the mysterious Maya Queen of Palenque. Without a doubt, this finding constitutes one of the most relevant events for gender studies and the change of Maya Era in 2012. From a multidimensional archetypal perspective, it also initiated a portal of Universal Ancient Wisdom towards a New Humanity. This is because the Feminine Balance (not supremacy) allows us to transcend the old patriarchal paradigms. Here, some insights about our upcoming publication, Galactic Feminine, to be presented through Magikana Publishing UK in 2020.
Translated into English from this article originally written in Spanish.

Between the months of May and June 2017, it has been 23 years since the process of discovering and the opening of the royal feminine tomb of Lakamha’ (“Great Waters”, Palenque). The uncovering, which happened in the year 1994, unveiled the first tomb of a female ruler who was found within a pyramid in the Americas; as well as the second tomb of its type after the one of King Pakal the Great, which finding happened in 1952 at the called by then “Temple of Inscriptions”.

So far, the queen had rested for over 1300 years in the Temple XIII, alongside the funerary temple of her husband, the same King Pakal. Their temples of honour were located at the main square of the Ancient Maya City of Lakamha’. Both, the proximity and similarity between the two tombs, reflect an equal recognition and tribute for them who were Maya rulers during the Classic period. Thus, the outstanding discovery of the queen consort widely contributes to the Universal Myth of the Goddess and the gender equality which humanity likely experienced during the period of transition from the matriarchal societies towards the patriarchal societies.

Within the context of the New Age, there have been interpretations of all kinds, as well as speculations and fantasy stories around this finding. Some of them even show personal appropriations of the queen archetype in order to sustain old paradigms, such as narcissism, machiavellianism and personality cult. There is also ignorance regarding the dates around the discovery, failing to provide feasible interpretations regarding the Tzolkin days and numerology associated to the discovery. And probably, as it is shown in this essay, one of the most common mistakes has been to consider the temporary nickname of “Red Queen” as a real Maya archetype of Palenque.

Key Dates of the Discovery

The finding of the enigmatic feminine tomb count on different stages of discovery and opening. According to official sources, there existed five key dates which were informed by the archaeologists in charge of the finding. An identical chronology of facts was uploaded to Wikipedia in Spanish and it was also confirmed by the highly respected Mexican journalist and eyewitness, Adriana Maldivo, in her book La Reina Roja: El Secreto de los Mayas en Palenque (2005, INAH, México). Down below, a synthesis of key dates and details of the process of discovery. (See complete references at the end of this article).

Tzakbu Ajaw Galactic Feminine

The tomb of Queen Tz'akbu Ajaw ("Red Queen") was discovered on the 16th of May 1994 


  • 11th of April, 1994. Finding of the Substructure. Young female archaeologist, Fanny López Jiménez, discovers the understructure, door and the corridor which leads into the three funerary chambers of Temple XIII. On the same day, she informs to her boss, who was in Mexico City, archaeologist Arnoldo González Cruz, director of the project in the area. He authorises to starting the rescue efforts (Maldivo, 2005. Wikipedia in Spanish).
  • 18th of Abril, 1994. Entry to the Substructure. The team of archaeologists manage to enter into the understructure of Temple XIII and they find the three funerary chambers. They notice that the central chamber was the only one in use and sealed (Maldivo, 2005. Wikipedia in Spanish).
  • 16th of May, 1994. Discovery of the Tomb and the Sarcophagus. Archaeologists, Fanny and Arnoldo, decide to open a cove, in order to permeate the wall and find out if the central chamber was filled inside or not. According to the chronicles of journalist Maldivo: “With a lamp, they looked through the 15 centimetres hole… Arnoldo jumped on top of a bucket and shouted: A tomb! Fanny was finally able to see: A sarcophagus! ” (Maldivo 2005, p. 22). Immediately, Arnoldo lets the rest of the team outside know about it, inviting them to enter, whilst Fanny is at the back shouting: “Arnoldo, there is a censer, ceramic glasses and skeletal remains in one of the sides!” (Maldivo, 2005, p.24). At the same time, Fanny has a flash of intuition and shouts louder: “It is a woman, it is a woman”. (Maldivo 2005, p. 25)
  • 31st of May, 1994. Entering the Tomb. After 14 days of work, Fanny, Arnoldo and the rest of the team of archaeologists manage to enter the funerary chamber. Immediately, they start clearing and rescuing ceramic pieces, offerings and skeletal remains, in order to have mobility and be able to lift the sarcophagus’s lid. They work hard during all day and all night. (Maldivo, 2005)
  • 1s of June, 1994. The Lifting of the Sarcophagus’ Lid. After a long night of work, the archaeologists finally manage to lift the lid which had sealed the sarcophagus of the Mayan queen for over 1300 years. It was 9 a.m and, almost immediately, they confirm that it was a woman, just as the archaeologist Fanny López had predicted. And due to the abundance of jade, offerings and cinnabar in the bones of the woman, the archaeologist decide to temporarily nickname her “Red Queen” of Palenque (Maldivo, 2005. Wikipedia in Spanish).

Parallels with the finding of King Pakal’s tomb

It exists a remarkable parallel between the finding of King Pakal’s tomb and the one of the queen. On one side, the discovery of the king’s tomb was dated 15th of June, 1952, the same date as for when a hole was also opened in the door of his funerary chamber, which allowed looking into the Mayan dignitary’s tomb and his sarcophagus. During the same day, archaeologist Alberto Ruz Lhuillier managed to open the door to finally entering the funerary chamber. However, due to the rainy season, Ruz had to wait for months in order to organise the lifting of the sarcophagus’ lid, event which finally happened on the 27th of November, 1952.


Archaeologist Alberto Ruz Lhuillier and his team lifted the sarcophagus' lid of Pakal "The Great" on the 27th of November 1952 


According to Ruz and stated by him in Explorations in Palenque: 1952, it was registered that “on the 27th of November, 1952, the sculpted lid was lifted through hydraulic jacks which were placed in each of the corners and on top of trees’ trunks. After hard works during consecutive 24 hours, receiving help from all the workers and my colleague, César Sáenz, it appeared the hollow of the sarcophagus under the sculpted lid. […]” (Ruz 2007: 203). Thus, on the same 27th of November, 1952, Ruz Lhuillier declared the public announcement of the discovery of the Mayan figure, to whom he nicknamed “Lord of the Pyramid” because his identity hasn’t been deciphered yet. However, the official date of the discovery of the tomb was established on the 15th of June 1952, that is when it was seen by the first time.

In the same vein, the discovery of the queen’s tomb happened on the 16th of May, 1994, date for when it was possible to look into the funerary chamber through another hole on the wall. In other words, for when the sarcophagus, ceramic offerings and the skeletal remains of the sacrificed victims were seen by the first time. And, as well as it happened with Pakal’s tomb, the queen sarcophagus’ lid wasn’t lifted immediately. In this case, it happened 16 days after its discovery, that is, on the 1st of June, 1994.

Then, it can be noted that the discoveries of the tombs were dated for when it was possible to permeate its walls and look into the burial chambers, and not for when the lids of both sarcophagi were lifted. Evidently, this is due to the fact that both funerary chambers were sealed, then the discoveries happened when those seals were opened and, consequently, for when the outside atmosphere came into contact with the inside atmosphere, also allowing to look the burials inside. By the same token, it is clear that the discovery dates of the tombs are 15th of June, 1952, for the one of Pakal’s, whilst for the queen, it was on the 16th of may, 1994. (Ruz 1952. Maldivo 2005. Wikipedia in Spanish)

Similarly, both rulers received temporary nicknames. As it has already been mentioned, King Pakal was nicknamed “Lord of the Pyramid” by Ruz, a name which prevailed within the scientific studies until his proper name was actually deciphered. On the other hand, the feminine figure of Temple XIII was temporary nicknamed “Red Queen” by her discoverers, the archaeologists Fanny López and Arnoldo González. And, as it has also been explained, this latter nickname was due to the abundance of cinnabar which was found in her tomb and skeletal remains. However, it should also be noticed that all Mayan tombs contained an abundance of cinnabar for protective reasons, as well as it was the case of the one of King Pakal. However, he wasn’t nicknamed “Red King”.

Lack of inscriptions in Mayan tombs and the long search for the queen’s identity

Just like the rest of Mayan burials, the funerary chamber of the queen didn’t have any inscriptions. In fact, the only Mayan tomb which has exhibited inscriptions is the one of King Pakal and, because of the same reason, it constitutes a curious exception to the general rule. Consequently, because of the lack of inscriptions in Mayan tombs, the identification of their figures is deduced through numerous and multidisciplinary scientific’s analysis and studies. Then, the results are compared with the existing inscriptions of the hypothetical characters that have been found.

In such a way, since the year 1994, the team of researchers has conducted numerous studies in order to establish the identity of the mysterious royal feminine tomb. For this, three main hypothesis were envisaged, all of them related to King Pakal The Great. On one hand, Queen Yohl Ik’nal (Heart of the Wind Place), first queen of Palenque who ruled in her own right and who also was the Grandmother of Pakal. On the other, it is her daughter and the mother of Pakal, Queen Sak K’uk’ (White Quetzal), who also was a ruler on her own right for a brief period of time before the Accession to the Throne of her son Pakal. And finally, Pakal’s only one wife, Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw (White Guacamaya Bird or Lady of the Succession), also known as Apo-Hel, who also was a ruler of Lakamha alongside King Pakal, as well as the mother of his heirs and subsequent rulers.

After long years of analysing the skeletal remains of the queen and her sacrificed companions, along with complicated processes of obtaining DNA, plus carbon analysis of the royal offerings and even facial reconstructions; the multidisciplinary team has concluded that the identity of the royal female corresponds in a 99.99% to Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw, the only one wife of Pakal The Great (Tiesler, Cucina, Pacheco, 2004. González 2011). A confirmation for the residual 0.01% is waiting for the discovery of the tombs of any of their sons, in order to be able to compare their DNA with the ones of the king and his queen.


Representation of the burial chamber of the Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw, the only one wife of Pakal “The Great”, who was temporarily nicknamed “Red Queen”. Probably, one of the most most cryptic messages from her tomb is the fact that she was buried with two victims, an 11 years old boy who was beheaded and a young woman of around 30 years old who had her heart removed. 



The Galactic Feminine Vision: The Myth of the Goddess and the New Age Synchronicity

From the theoretical perspective of the Galactic Feminine, a philosophical concept which officially commenced through this medium in November 2016, the discovery of the tomb of this Mayan Queen of Palenque represents a confirmation of the Universal Myth of the Goddess, a myth which exhibits undeniable evidence within the cultural meanings of the Ancient Maya. It is a clear and direct transmission of Feminine Ancient Wisdom which has been unveiled since this discovery ad portas to the change of Baktun or the new Mayan Era/Cycle, which happened in December 2012.


The book of Adriana Maldivo, La Reina Roja (The Red Queen), 2005


For the same reason, it is understood that the finding of the queen had to be channelled through a very special woman and not through a man only. In fact, the tomb of the queen evaded the archaeological explorations conducted by males during most of the ’80s decade (Maldivo, 2005). Thus, the feminine burial chamber was kept in secret until young archaeologist, Fanny López, arrived in Palenque, a place which also had had an abundance of male archaeologists. According to the chronicles of journalist Maldivo, it was López who followed her intuition in order to inspect a recent and fortuitous collapse in Temple XIII. In such a way, the female archaeologist realised about the existence of the door leading to the substructure by using the solar reflection through a mirror with the purpose of lighting its interior. It is also interesting to note that in the Spanish language, the word “alumbrar” (lighting) is synonymous of “dar a luz” (give birth or bear), which are feminine attributes par excellence. Likewise, by the moment of the discovery of the burial through the hole on the wall, the same archaeologist’s intuition made her assure aloud, and in front of the rest of the team, that she believed it was the tomb of a woman. Her prediction was later on confirmed on the 1st of June, 1994, for when the sarcophagus’ lid was finally lifted. (Maldivo, 2005)

It should also be noted that the royal feminine lineage of Palenque, the same one which gave the right to rule to King Pakal, it seems to exhibit a unique continuity and significance related to “white pureness”. That is to say, the royal feminine offspring started with Queen Yohl Ik’nal (Heart of the Wind Place and it is known that the Mayan glyph Ik for Wind is associated with the colour white). From her, it comes the next seed through Queen Sak K’uk’ (White Quetzal), who in turn chose the wife of Pakal and future Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw (White Guacamaya Bird). In the same vein, it is seen within Western society, that the Myth of the Goddess, Mother, Daughter, Bride and Wife has also been associated with colour white which symbolises pureness.

From an archetypal and multidimensional perspective, as established by journalist and philosopher, Itzadragon, it exists a remarkable archetypal synchronicity between the discovery of the feminine tomb of Palenque and the publication of the prophetic game and booklet, Telektonon: The Prophecy of Pacal Votan. This publication was presented in 1994 in its complete form by José and Lloydine Argüelles on behalf of Pacal Votan (King Pakal) and the deity Bolon Ik (GI or White Solar Wind), the most important God/Goddess of the Sacred Triad of Palenque. According to Itzadragon’s own words:

This essay sustains that it exists a remarkable synchronicity between the discovery of the tomb of the Queen of Palenque and the prophetic invocation of the Telektonon, also called the “Galactic Maya Gospel”, which was presented in 1994 by José y Lloydine Argüelles, Valum Votan and Bolon Ik on behalf of their archetypal higher selves, Pacal Votan and Bolon Ik. Hereafter, the numerological analysis of their prophetic numbers confirms how the feminine prophetic invocation of Bolon Ik triggered the discovery of the queen’s tomb.” (Itzadragon, 2016, WordPress).


Lloydine Bolon Ik, the Galactic Femenine co-creator of Telektonon, a publication which was called the "Galactic Maya Gospel", a multidimensional prophetic game presented in 1994. 


In addition to providing numerous synchronic calculations between the Sacred Mayan Count of the Tzolkin and its modern transcreation into the Dreamspell, also presented by the Argüelles, the author continues:

The Divine Synchronic Order shows that this finding can be perfectly attributed to the activation of the Telektonon Prophecy of Pacal Votan because it came from the hand of two archetypes, Valum Votan as masculine and Lloydine Bolon Ik as feminine… The feminine tomb was discovered 42 years after the one of Pakal (1994-1952) and Valum was 42 years old when he met Bolon Ik. In other words, Pacal Votan took 42 years to unveil his archetypal wife to the world and José Valum took 42 years to find his archetypal wife in this world. Therefore, the Divine Synchronic Order shows that the Prophetic Invocation of the Telektonon’s Feminine Archetype provoked the confirmation from Pakal and Queen Tz’akbu through the tomb of the archetypal wife.” (Itzadragon, 2016, WordPress).

“On the other hand, it has been established that Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw passed away in the year 672, that is to say, 11 years before the Ascension of King Pakal in 683. It is also known that number 11 is a key number between Valum and Bolon Ik. It also appears in the Temple of Inscriptions that Pakal married Ix Tzak (her maiden name) in Equinox date (20th of March, 626 D.C.), on day 7 Kab’an (Resonant Earth) which corresponds to Kin 1 or Dragon 1 in the Dreamspell Tzolkin. Precisely, Valum met Bolon Ik on Kin 1, Dragon 1 in the Dreamspell, in his same birthday date (24th January, 1981), therefore, precisely starting his new cycle as Dragon 1. Furthermore, both of them also married on an Equinox date. Finally, it also appears in the inscriptions of Pakal’s Pyramid, that Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw had a major role in the leadership of the kingdom of Lakam Ha (Palenque). In the same way, it is known that Bolon Ik had a major role in the leadership of the prophetic ministry of Valum during perfect 21 years (7+7+7).” (Itzadragon, 2016, WordPress).

“And because the discovery of the Queen Tz’akbu happened on the 16th of May, which is one day after the birthday date of Lloydine Bolon Ik (15th of May), then the kins (nawals) of the discovery are connected to the spins and wavespells of Bolon Ik… And, precisely, the date 16 of May is also the Ascension date of Lloydine Bolon Ik in 2014.” (Itzadragon, 2016, WordPress).

In such a way, the significant synchronicity between the finding of the tomb of Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw and the Galactic Maya invocation of the New Age, channelled by José and Lloydine Argüelles through Telektonon; it all confirms the existence of a feminine transmission of Universal Ancient Wisdom. Such transmission was activated by the archetype of Bolon Ik, the main deity of Palenque (scientific name God/Goddess GI, born 9 Ik, White Solar Wind), whom we can deduce was channelled in the future by Lloydine Argüelles, Bolon Ik.

And because of the fact that Bolon Ik represents a white archetype and the main deity of the Sacred Triad of Palenque, then the nickname of “Red Queen” can be perceived as a conceptual error. This is because, as it has been observed, the royal feminine lineage of Palenque seems to point to colour white instead of red: Queen Heart of the (White) Wind Place, Queen White Quetzal and Queen White Guacamaya Bird.


One of the many representations of the “Red Queen” as the Whore of Babylon. Painting by Hans Burgkmair.


Furthermore, the Occidental myth of the “Red Queen”, as expressed within the biological sciences, the Bible and the popular culture, it all carries a negative connotation which opposes to (white) pureness. Within Biology, it exists the “Hypothesis of the Red Queen” which refers to a sort of asexual parasite which survives the evolutive cycles of the species at the expense of other living organisms. On the other hand, in the Bible, the “Red Queen” represents the Whore of Babylon and the Tower of Babel, the one who also feeds from the blood of the saints and the prophets. Within popular culture, it can also be observed the evil role of the “Red Queen” in the books of Lewis Carroll, Alice: Through the Looking Glass and Alice in Wonderland. In the same vein, it can also be seen the dangerous “woman in red” in the film series Matrix, a distraction that almost cost Neo’s life.

Then, it is feasible to conclude that the negative Occidental archetype of “Red Queen” refers to a feminine aspect which is diametrically opposed to the benevolent Myth of Mother Goddess in the New Era. However, and despite this negative attribute, the archetype does exist within the Occidental’s collective unconscious. Nevertheless, it definitely doesn’t exist within Palenque mythology, neither within its feminine sacred lineage. What it exists is the universal transmission of the Myth of the pure/white Goddess, initiated by the progenitor or Primordial Mother of the deity GI (9 Ik, Bolon Ik, White Solar Wind), which has been transmitted through the Queens of Palenque, whose names and meaning refer to pureness or white colour as they have been already explained. For the same reason, the “Red Queen” nickname which was given to the queen found in Temple XIII is considered an archetypal error. In the same way, it is mostly correct to refer to the archetype by her proper name: Tz’akbu Ajaw, just as it is also sustained by the scientific hypothesis.



One of the multiple inscriptions in Palenque enacted by Queen Tz'akbu Ajaw who was discovered in Temple XIII. In this tablet of Temple XIV, she represents the Myth of Creation, dressed with symbols of the main deity of Palenque’s Triad, GI, 9 Ik, White Solar Wind; which glyph is depicted on her cape and also in the main date of the event (top left corner).



Finally, and as it will be explained in depth in our book publication, Galactic Feminine, the Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw (White Guacamaya Bird) represents a feminine source of Ancient Wisdom which is universal by nature. This is because it exists an abundance of inscriptions and tablets about this remarkable figure in Palenque. Then, it is possible to observe how the messages written in stone started being revealed ad portas the New Age, the well-known change of Era 2012. This feminine transmission replicates an ancient theme about the importance of the masculine/feminine balance as the co-creator forces of the New Earth. A new humankind which leaves behind the old patriarchal paradigms (including gurus and personality cults) and which paves the way through feminine values such as compassion, intuition, receptivity, emotion, and unconditional motherly love. A Universal Wisdom which can be invoked and embodied by men and women who act sensitively to this transmission, in order to overcome the divider ego, the mind without heart, the hate and the wars that our beautiful planet is currently facing.

In Lak’ech ❤
Galactic Feminine


  • Argüelles, José & Lloydine, (1994). Telektonon: The Prophecy of Pacal Votan. Interlink Productions, Ltd.
  • Bernal Romero, Guillermo (2011, in Spanish). El señorío de Palenque durante la Era de K’inich Janaahb’ Pakal y K’inich Kan B’ahlam (615-702 d.C.). Disertación doctoral, INAH, México.
  • INAH (2011, In Spanish). Reina Roja, Esposa, No Madre de Pakal. Presentación oficial del libro, Reina Roja: Una Tumba Real, por Arnoldo González Cruz. Boletín INAH del 8 de Diciembre de 2011, México.
  • Itzadragon (2016, in Spanish). Descifrando el Código Profético 19.11 del Acertijo Dejado por el Maestro Ascendido Valum Votan. Worpress
  • Magusa, Gar (2017). The Telektonon Trinity: Part 4D, The Realtime Dreamtime Prohecy. WordPress (1 June 2017)
  • Maldivo, Adriana (2005, in Spanish). La Reina Roja: El Secreto de los Mayas en Palenque. Conaculta, INAH, México.
  • Ruz L’Huillier, Alberto. 2007 (1954, in Spanish). Exploraciones en Palenque: 1952, en Roberto García Moll, (comp.), Palenque, 1947-1958, México, Biblioteca INAH.
  • Tiesler, V., A. Cucina, and A. R. Pacheco (2004). Who was the Red Queen? Identity of the Female Maya Dignitary from the Sarcophagus Tomb of Temple XIII, Palenque, Mexico. Homo – Journal of Comparative Human Biology.
  • Wikipedia in Spanish, Reina Roja Palenque.
  • Wikipedia in Spanish, Tz’akbu Ajaw.

© Galactic Feminine  2016-2020. Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Galactic Feminine with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Thank you ❤ 

6 thoughts on “Galactic Feminine: Universal Wisdom from the Tz’akbu Ajaw Archetype, formerly “Red Queen”

  1. Reblogged this on Itzadragon and commented:

    It has been 23 years today since the opening of the tomb of the mysterious Mayan Queen of Palenque. Without a doubt, this finding constitutes one of the most relevant events for the gender studies and the change of Mayan Era, which happened in 2012. From a multidimensional archetypal perspective, it also initiated a portal of universal Ancient Wisdom towards a New Humanity. Here, some insights about our upcoming book, Galactic Feminine, to be presented through Magikana Publishing, UK, 2019.

    Liked by 2 people

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